Different games with Gelblasters!

Gel blasters are a fun and challenging form of play that is perfect for both young and old. They act as a cross between airsoft and paintball and offer the same excitement as a real shooting game. But what are the different games you can run with gel blasters? Here are some of the most popular options.

War Games - This is the most classic game you can play with gel blasters. You can participate in team or individual matches, where the goal is to defeat the opponents by hitting them with water balls.

Hunting - In this version, you play as a hunter and get to look for and capture treasures or enemies.

Zombies - Same as war games, but where some of the players are zombies who will try to "infect" the other players with water bullets.

"Capture the Flag - This is a team game where the goal is to protect your own flag while trying to steal the flag from the opponents.

Heist - In this game, the objective is to steal something from one location and take it to another safe location, while avoiding the attacks of the opponents.

These are just some of the many different games you can play with gel blasters. Whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, this is a fun activity to share with friends or family. So gather your friends, pick a game and have fun!
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